Bus fare increases to be implemented on 5 January
Fare increase is expected to be $1 or less per trip for the majority of passengers.
The Chief Executive in Council has announced the average fare increases for Kowloon Motor Bus, Citybus and New Lantao Bus which will be rolled out starting 5 January.
In a statement, the government said the increases will be 4.3%, 7.5%, and 6.5%, respectively. This means that about four-fifths of passengers are expected to pay no more than $0.5 extra per trip, whilst 95% are expected to pay no more than $1 extra per trip.
During the approval process, authorities studied the franchised bus industry's operating situation, its forecast financial performance, indices relevant to public affordability, and the quality and quantity of operators' services. They also took into account franchised bus operators' exemption from paying tolls when using government tolled tunnels and control areas.
The government noted that there have been few recent increases in franchised bus fares, with cumulative increases being lower than changes in the Composite Consumer Price Index (CCPI) and other indices over a corresponding period.
Authorities assured it will continue to assist franchised bus operators to raise revenue and reduce expenditure through a multipronged approach.