Will this self-funded startup be the leading online provider of customized products?
Will this self-funded startup be the leading online provider of customized products?
See how the staff named the meeting rooms and spaces in colloquial terms.
This technology startup has raised over USD100K.
Japan’s OnLab / Digital Garage believed so much on this that it provided $150,000 funding.
The cheapest is at HKD61,600.
It helps businesses to design user experience integrating the online and offline worlds.
You’d be asking hundreds of people just to like your page no more.
The startup raised $3m funding in just one year.
That’s at almost zero transaction fee.
It has over 27,000 patents to date.
It helps you find the best flights and lowest fares.
Guess which tops the list at HKD158,000 a night.
It plans to be the go-to site for future brides.
It just relaunched last year.
Appointed last August 2013, Wim Hekstra is responsible for growing the Sun Life Hong Kong business, which includes both an individual life and an...
Hover, click, and rent.
A bad experience led to a brilliant idea.
Progressive rating system to impact mid-to-luxury residential properties in Hong Kong
Hong Kong universities drive market shift: strategic acquisitions for student housing
Innovation at a Crossroads: Hong Kong's Needed Tech Transformation