Number of sale-purchase agreements in May up 20.7%
The number of searches of land registers made by the public in May was 498,692, up 0.7% on same time last year.
The number of sale and purchase agreements for all building units received for registration in May was 12,536, up 20.7% on April but down 5.9% on May last year.
The Land Registry said on Thursday the 12-month moving average for May was 12,946, which was 0.5% below the 12-month moving average for April and 1.1% below that for May last year.
The total consideration of sale and purchase agreements was $63.1 billion, up 19.8% year on year, and 18.9% on April.
Among the sale and purchase agreements, 9,681 were for residential units, 12.1% fewer than the same period last year, but up 26.8% on April.
The total consideration for sale and purchase agreements in respect of residential units was $49.4 billion, 15.4% more than May last year, and 26.8% more than April.
The number of searches of land registers made by the public in May was 498,692, up 0.7% on same time last year.