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Jutal Oil Services completes construction and delivery of undersea manifold device
Jutal Oil Services completes construction and delivery of undersea manifold device
The feat paves way for the company to join ranks of leading international oil and gas equipment manufacturers.
NetQin picks Pacnet to boost network efficiency
Pacnet will provide high-capacity, low-latency connectivity to support the Chinese mobile software company's network from Asia to the United States.
Lenovo second quarter profit up 88% to $144mn
The PC maker becomes the world’s second-largest PC vendor, with record market share of 13.5%.
Huawei kick starts channel partner program
The move aims to bolster growth of its enterprise Business in Hong Kong and Macau.
Monetary Authority issues alert on fraudulent website
The website may look similar to the official website of Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) but has no connection whatsoever to the bank.
How much rent will you pay for that flat?
Rents for 8,292 flats in public rental housing estates will be equal to the current best rent level of the urban district.
Hang Seng Securities and Guangzhou Securities set up JV
The company will provide Mainland customers with securities investment advisory services under China and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement.
AAC Technologies nine month profit up to RMB771mn
The company is well-positioned to penetrate into new business segments as its revenue rose 28%.
China Comservice and Bytemobile forge JV
The tie-up aims to ignite network optimization market opportunities across China.
China Rongsheng Heavy Industries launches vessel for MSFL
The company inked a win-win business model with MSFL and Guohang Ocean Group.
Xinyi Glass picked as a constituent stock of Hang Seng Mainland 100 index
The company has been chosen among the 100 largest which derive the majority of their sales revenue from China.
Cathay Pacific to receive first 747-8 aircraft from Boeing
It’s part of a delayed 10-aircraft order scheduled for January 2011 delivery.
BOC Hong Kong to offer $750m US notes
They will carry an interest rate of 3.75% and have a five-year maturity period from its issue date of 8 November 2011.
RMB deposits up 2.2% to 622.2b
Total remittance of the renminbi for cross-border trade settlement amounted to 190.6 billion yuan.
Hong Kong opens doors to Polish firms
The Hong Kong-Guangdong Business Conference in Warsaw introduced combined business advantages that Hong Kong and Guangdong offer Polish companies.
September mortgage loans drop 6.4% to $13.8bn
Yet approvals for primary market transactions surged 2.6% to $2.6bn.
Air China inaugurates the Mainland’s initial test of biofuel flight
Experts seen the quality of environment-friendly aviation biofuel to meet or even surpass the current aviation oil standard.
Progressive rating system to impact mid-to-luxury residential properties in Hong Kong