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ZTE profit down 12% to CNY769mn

Group posted revenue growth of 8.01% for carriers’ networks, 43.96% for terminal products and 42.29% for telecommunication software systems, services and other products.

Futong Technology down 24.5%to HK$30mn

Revenue from IT services provision up 162% as the company puts greater emphasis on IT Services, which paves the way for future growth.

Yip’s Chemical posts first half profit at HK$103mn

Despite profit drop, the group still optimistic to reach its annual turnover target of HK$20bn by 2015.

Insurance industry’s total gross premiums up 14%

Total gross premiums of the Hong Kong insurance industry amounted to $114.7 billion in the first half of 2011.

Melco Crown Entertainment to launch IPO in Hong Kong

Market sources say the Macau casino venture aims to raise up to HK$39b.

Commercial property sales in secondary market down 28.7%

There were only 1,222 deals for retail, office and industrial property in the said market in July.

Sun Art Retail Group profit up 41.5%

The hypermarket operator, which debuted in Hong Kong trading in July, reported $122.7m profit for the first half of 2011.

China Comservice profit up 16% to CNY1bn

The company is capitalizing on opportunities brought about waves of informatization.

Sino Biopharmaceutical profit up 15% to HK$221mn

The group sees more M&A opportunities to arise expediting consolidation of the pharmaceutical industry, and further intensifying competition.

China–Hong Kong sci-tech meeting reaffirms ties

The Mainland-Hong Kong Science & Technology Co-operation Committee meet is part of plan for Hong Kong to further foster innovation capabilities with the Mainland.

OSK Investment Bank launches new resources fund in Hong Kong

The move is part of plan to boost presence in Hong Kong with Islamic funds eyed in follow-through activities.

Draft of Mau Ping Area Plan gazetted

The draft of Mau Ping Development Permission Area Plan hasw been published, according to the Town Planning Board.

Draft of Wong Nai Chung Outline Zoning Plan amended

The draft of the Wong Nai Chung Outline Zoning Plan has been amended to involve rezoning a site covering Pioneer Memorial Church and the former Hong Kong Sam Yuk Secondary School at 17A Ventris Road.

Labour Department promotes work safety

The Labour Department drew attention to safety precautionary measures to prevent work accidents by launching the "Work Safety Alert" on its website.

Award-winning complex opens in Siu Sai Wan

The Siu Sai Wan Complex, winner of the Merit Award of Hong Kong in the Hong Kong Institute of Architects Annual Awards 2010, has been officially opened.

No H1N1 detected in pigs from May to July

No human swine influenza virus or pandemic H1N1 was detected among 1,300 samples tested by the University of Hong Kong from May to July at the Sheung Shui Slaughterhouse.