, Hong Kong

FWD’s new wealth plan targets rising living costs for HK retirees

It guarantees an 8-year maturity return of up to 4.0% per annum.

FWD Hong Kong has launched the Easy WealthPlus Endowment Plan, which guarantees an 8-year maturity return of up to 4.0% per annum, along with life protection. 

Planning for retirement is crucial, especially as living expenses for Hong Kong retirees reached HK$14,700 per month last year. With rising costs and financial uncertainties due to global interest rate fluctuations and inflation, it is essential to reassess financial protections.

During its promotional period until 30 June 2024, customers can take advantage of a 4% premium discount, increasing the guaranteed return to 4.53% per annum, equating to 142.5% of the single premium paid.

The plan not only supports wealth accumulation but also provides life protection and policy flexibility. It offers a lump sum death benefit to beneficiaries and allows unlimited changes of the insured and nominations of contingent insureds and policy owners, ensuring continuous policy extension without termination due to the insured's death. 

For example, a retiree investing HK$400,000 within the promotion period will receive an annual return of 4.53%, amounting to HK$163,400 in interest income over eight years.

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Y.X blends work and play with VR gaming and study spaces at Y83
Y83 is the first student accommodation in Hong Kong to include a VR gaming area.   ACKNOWLEDGING that play is essential during and outside school, operator Y.X ensures its accommodations support student residents in balancing their studies with leisure time by providing gaming facilities.